1.5 kg of oxtail pieces cut and dusted in seasoned flour
2tbs oil
2 medium size onions
1 large carrot
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
2 bay leaf
1 sprig of thyme
60g tomato paste
400g tin crushed tomato
100ml of red wine
Enough water to cover
Salt, whole ground white or black pepper ( to season the flour and adjust at the end of cooking)
Zest of 1 lemon
1. In a heavy based pan seal the oxtail, which has been dusted lightly with seasoned flour in a pan with the oil over medium heat.
2. When coloured all over, remove from the pan reduce the heat and add the onion, carrot, garlic and cook until soft, add tomato paste and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Deglaze the pan with the red wine removing all the caramelized sediment on the bottom. Add the sealed oxtail, thyme, bay leaf, crushed tomato and water to just cover the bones.
3. Cover with foil or lid and place in oven at 180C for 3 hours. After 2 ½ hours remove the cover and cook for a further 30 minutes or until meat is soft and tender. At this stage, check seasoning and adjust if necessary, top with the zest of a lemon grated finely.
4. Serve with boiled potato and vegetables or just thick slices of buttered bread.