
Rice Cream and White Chocolate Sandwich

Author: Herb Faust
20 ingredients40 min + soak rice overnight prep2 hour + 20 mins cook6 servings

You’ve heard of ice cream sandwiches, now you can try rice cream sandwiches.

Black Rice Biscuit
1 cup sticky glutinous rice, soaked in water over night

2 cups coconut cream

Rice ilk and White Chocolate
1 cup brown rice, soaked in water overnight

1.2 litres coconut milk

½ cup raw sugar

400ml coconut cream

200g vegan white chocolate, broken into small pieces

1 tbsp agar agar

Candied Peanuts
100g raw, unsalted peanuts (no skin)

200g palm sugar

½ long dry red chilli, seeded and finely chopped

To Assemble
1 punnet fresh or freeze dried raspberries

1 punnet marigolds, petals picked

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